Thursday, November 7, 2019

Disney and Masculinity

I read an article about Disney and their representations of masculinity in their characters. The article started by criticizing Disney for their representation of princesses as always being vulnerable damsels in distress. However, most of Disney’s critics comment on their portrayals of femininity, not on masculinity. Although all the princesses serve as the main characters, as their movies are titled after them, they do not serve as the protagonists in their own stories. They helplessly lay wait for the outcome of others’ fight. This can be seen in Beauty and the Beast, where Belle anxiously awaits the battle between Beast and Gaston. The male protagonist always saves the day; he is always the hero. Though there is not anything wrong with portraying men as heroes, this may send a message to young boys that it is their duty to always be the protectors and saviors. And what message does this send young girls? Should they accept that men will take the credit for great endeavors and pursuits? Disney should include more positive representation of both masculinity and femininity alike.

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